
josh beckett embroidered jersey

josh beckett embroidered jersey -

Have you ever had a Big Idea that you were over the moon about only to have your hopes dashed because you shared it with someone who you trusted and they josh beckett embroidered jersey told you (typically in a very flat tone) "that will never work." I've had this unfortunate experience happen to me on more than one occasion over the last two decades as an entrepreneur. It's painful isn't it? You get all excited about the possibility of living your passionate life and someone pops the air in your dream balloon!

Women are the most creative beings on earth and I want to make sure when you have these awesome, amazing, wonderful ideas, you ask the "right" person before you give up on your Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals. By the way, I don't think people intentionally want to hurt your feelings when you share a great idea.? I think it's because few people are visionary-- they aren't looking through the same lens on life as you are. Many people see the world as black and white. Entrepreneurs have a lot josh beckett embroidered jersey of gray in their thinking. Entrepreneurs are unusual. We are not ordinary people. We think differently.

When I first decided to birth my Women's Success Circles, I was very excited. I could hardly sleep at night as I was up thinking about all of the ideas and possibilities of how I could support women using this concept. I was at an event one evening with my husband and I decided to share my Big Idea with a woman there josh beckett embroidered jersey and she flat out took the wind out of my sails when I told her about it. She laughed and said, (and I quote) "That will never work. Women will never pay for that." Can you imagine the embarrassment I felt?? Thankfully on the way home as I licked my wounds, my husband Greg reminded me that not everyone will like my ideas but that doesn't mean they won't work. He said a lot more than that but I only have room for so much!

