
Dustin Byfuglien jersey

Dustin Byfuglien jersey -

I Dustin Byfuglien jersey recently I posted several paragraphs of a new murder mystery story that Nora and I are writing.?? I posted it at our murder mystery web site for free.? We constantly post free content like this to keep our site sticky and to attract new visitors.? At our interactive murder mystery dinner theater shows, Nora and I give everyone a "Call Sharpo In" pen to take notes with and to write out their solution to the mystery.? People who actually do solve the crime win our limited edition, "Hammer of Justice" award and runner ups get Sharpo caps.? Our motto is "Give it away".? We do this because it comes back - in spades.

This is the age of giving.? Google gives away free phone numbers and voice-mail plus a googl-zillion other services, as does facebook, twitter, etcetera. These companies learned that the more you give the more you get.? This is so true in business.? I used to joke in my stand - up Dustin Byfuglien jersey comedy routine that I would leave a pint of blood on stage at every show.? Live entertainers? are used to giving everything they have to their performance.? I am a big believer in this.? Always give your very best.? It is almost always more than the audience expects.? Customers really appreciate being appreciated.

After you give it way now, I recommend letting it go now, too.? Running a small corporation in California can be extremely stressful.? There never seems to be enough hours in the day to run the company and Nora and I wear many hats.? There are many times when I think I am going to go crazy.? Just ask many fine actors in our dinner theater casts, like Janice Fischer and Dustin Byfuglien jersey Jason Reed or ask our associate producer, Kerri Schmidle, who often see the steam coming out of my ears.? I often have to stop, take a deep breath and remember my life is a comedy and not a drama!? It really helps when an entertainer remembers the genre he is living!

So you give it away and you let it go and then what?? Now you are free to fly without a net, to take some risks, and do something fearless today.? If you don't put yourself at stake then you can't expect big rewards.? "No pain no gain" say the body builders.? "No Risk, No Reward" say the entrepreneurs.? Of course doing something fearless doesn't mean that all caution should be thrown to the wind.? I highly recommend that all entrepreneurs practice fiscal responsibility and operate their business in accordance with strong ethics and values.? But you can do that and still take risks and do something outside of your comfort zone.? Shake things up and try something new.? Don't fix things that aren't broken, but go for it when things get too routine.? I think you'll be glad you did.

It is easy to forget that what is really important in life is health, family, friends, living with values, etc.? Little things get magnified and its all to easy to blow things way out of proportion.? So I say, Let go. Take a chance.? Laugh and let laugh... and always have a good motto handy.? One of my favorites is, "Life is fun and life is murder.? We offer both."? Of course, if you don't produce murder mystery parties, then you should probably use a different motto.

