
josh beckett embroidered dark blue mlb jersey

josh beckett embroidered dark blue mlb jersey -

There is a fine line between being frugal and appearing unprofessional when it comes to business image. Saving money may actually cause a business to lose money, if the savings are applied in crucial areas of the company. Of course, everyone wants to save money, the key is being aware of when to practice being frugal and knowing when to go for the gusto.

There are three areas of business, which give potential customers "first impressions" of a company. Frugality should be eliminated in these three areas since they can be initial deciding factors of whether or not someone will do business with a company. Customers will decide with the first few seconds of visiting a josh beckett embroidered dark blue mlb jersey web site whether or not they would like to make a purchase. Also people determine if they will do business with a company from the business cards and the level of customer service (or telephone skills) provided.

How Cheap Was Your Company Domain Name?

Example: A custom domain name (yourcompanyname.com) may cost anywhere from 99 cents through $12.00 a year on average from a company like Godaddy.com. A domain name such as yourcompanyname.whateverhostingserver.com is usually free. You've probably heard the phrase, pay now or pay later. Don't let frugality kill the business image or the company will be doomed from the start.

The custom domain is certainly more professional and more memorable. Custom domains are more eye-pleasing in print and gives off a more positive image of the company. The other domain name is lengthy and has a feel of unprofessionalism or an josh beckett embroidered dark blue mlb jersey amateur just starting out. Which web site josh beckett embroidered dark blue mlb jersey would you be more inclined to visit just based on the domain name? If there is no effort put into securing a custom, professional domain name would you wonder what the web site must look like? Would you assume that the company did not hire a graphic designer or web developer? Funny how the mind works isn't it?

Whether we admit it or not, people are prejudice in every aspect of life and business. People make choices based on past experiences, what they know and believe, what is seen as normal or abnormal. It is not as typical to see an advertisement or brochure for a company that lists the domain name as yourcompanyname.whateverhostingserver.com. More frequently than not, a company's name is its domain name. Therefore, it may be in a company's best interest to allocate funds toward a custom, professional domain name. Never before internet have businesses been so inexpensive to operate. The cost for a domain name is $1 monthly or less, $12 a year or less. You can't beat that with a bat! (Visit www.stilettobusinesscoach.com)

